Bus type:
Route: Ilford to Oxford Circus, taking in the delights of East London, the City and the West End on the way.
Frequency: Varies from ten in a row to tumbleweed, but to give credit where credit's due, usually fairly frequent. Shame that every bus is full.
24 hour: Yes
Crowded: Worse than a can of sardines.
Speed: Vacillates between Formula 1-esque velocity on Sundays when you have a particularly enthusiastic driver and complete standstill on all weekdays in rushhour and anywhere remotely near Tottenham Court Road.
Environment: Rivals Guantanamo Bay for pleasantness. Usually contains one or more of the following:
- ASBO teen playing music out loud on mobile phone
- Incontinent homeless person
- Terrible body odour from unidentified source
- Empty beer can rolling around the bottom
- Lecherous guy using the uncomfortably close quarters to grope women's bottoms
- Approximately five thousand fare dodgers
- Person carrying contents of Argos/Ikea with them
- Vomit
- Stifling heat
- Ebola virus
Advice for passengers using this bus: Don't.